All the wheat entering our mill is submitted to a first entomologic check, then optical and olfactory. After that we check the contractual and qualitative parameters in order to complete the compliance.
The Mill
Our new mill in Faenza, inaugurated in 2019, demanded a complex design work: 20.000 square meters of knowledges and technologies in a strict synergy, amongst silos, productive plants, packaging areas, warehouse and offices.
A step became necessary on the one hand to answer the demand of an always more exigent market and, on the other hand, for the desire to turn out a centuries-old experience into a contemporary milling plant. Nothing gets lost if it is well transformed. Thereby our new mill becomes an important legacy for those who will come after us.
The long journey of the grain
More than three centuries of milling
A factory, a family
Naldoni for Mulino Scodellino in Castel Bolognese
The long journey of the grain
Over seven generations of experience we developed a highly perfected productive process, where a progressive technology meets the art of milling.
Moving quickly among floors, through a dense network of pipes, our grains are cleaned in the “tarara” machines, vibro-separated, cleared from stones, rid from every micro-residues through batteries of magnets, chosen from selected opticians.
Then the wheat is taken to the right level of hydration before being ground in the rolling mills, sifted in the plansichters, reground and resifted, until we obtain the perfect flour. Other than a specific mixture of wheat, every milling recipe has various steps in different rolling mills and sieves. During this gradual and progressive reduction of the granulometry, which consists of thirty steps without thermal stresses, every stage of the process is particularly important, even the last one: the maturation in the flour silos before the packaging.
To each flour its time.

The wheat is carefully cleaned, selected, and mixed following the specific “Naldoni recipes”.

The caryopsis meet water in the “wheat-wetting”, a particular scrubber, which allows the optimal internal humidification for the milling and another external cleaning through a superficial peeling effect.

The wheat is rolled with care and without overheating, through pairs of counter-rotating cylinders, grooved and smoothed, increasingly finer as the granulometry decreases.

From the rolling mills, the wheat goes to the plansichter, a sort of big mechanic sieve, made by frames with different holes, where bran parts are separated from those which will continue their journey through other rolling mills and sieves, until becoming the desired flour.

Before the packaging or the bulk cargo, every flour is controlled in the internal laboratory where the chemical-physical and rheological characteristics are examined in order to verify the compliance of the final product.

The packaging is totally automatic and it is made in bags of 1, 5, 15 and 25 kg. Every flour is also available in bulk.
More than three centuries of milling
Our story as millers starts in 1705, from a water mill in the core of Romagna, in the high Appennino. Since then, from mill to mill, from father to son, we gained a lot of experiences, since the first roll mill in Marzeno di Brisighella, launched by Igino and Elido Naldoni after the Second World War.
This facility has been turned into a 100% organic mill, after we inaugurated the new site in Faenza in 2019.
From generation to generation, our way of working always evolved by experimenting, innovating and discovering every secret that makes a difference between any flour and Molino Naldoni flour.
A factory, a family
Nowadays we are the leading company for professionals and food factories that are looking for a high quality flour. The same quality that we are now bringing even in the consumers’ houses with a line of flours designed for the Retail.
We are an industrial company able to grind more than 430 tons of soft wheat every day, with two cylinder plants and a stone one. We have an international sales network that covers more than 20 countries of 4 different continents.
And we are, today as yesterday, a family.
Starting from those in charge of the first selection of the wheat, to the millers and the lab technicians who manage our careful quality checks; nobody is a simple executor: we are a team of specialised workers, shaped during the years in a climate of mutual and passionate exchange.

Naldoni for Mulino Scodellino in Castel Bolognese
Mulino Scodellino is the last existent example of a rural civilisation and economy, which rotate around those water mills born in the 14th century in Castel Bolognese.
A small treasure, which Molino Naldoni of Faenza contributed to restore and bring back into operation, making available its great experience in the art of milling and the progressive knowhow that has made it famous throughout the world for the very high quality of its flours. In the flour that is milled at Mulino Scodellino, exclusively from Romagna wheat and in limited production, you will find the unprecedented taste of the ancient tradition: rich in flavour, intense in aroma, seasoned only with love for things well done, signed Molino Naldoni.